Published articles by the author on energy issues
Nuclear power issues *
National Grid Transmission and Electricity Distribution (August, 2024)
Why the EPR ECCS can't work (June, 2023) *
RAB Financing of Sizewell C (December, 2023) *
Hinkley Point C nuclear fuel supply (Revised December, 2022) *
EPR ECCS Presentation Saxmundham (2 July, 2022)
EPR ECCS Presenter's Aide (2 July, 2022)
Grid Stability, Presentation (July, 2022)
Grid Stability, Presenter's Aide (July, 2022)
An Hydrogen Economy checked by chatGPT (June, 2023)
An UK Hydrogen Economy? (Revised June, 2023)
Fukushima Reviewed 2021 (June, 2021) *
Should the water companies be nationalised? (May, 2019)
Distributed Energy (Revised July, 2019)
Fracking wastewater (Revised April, 2022)
Do we need another runway? (Revised February, 2020)
Heathrow Finance Presentation (July, 2019)
Heathrow's owner (June, 2018)
Trends of 6 Oil Majors (Revised, September 2016)
ExxonMobil Oil and Gas (Revised, June 2017)
Anaerobic digestion and distributed energy (December 2014)
Railbit, Dilbit, Synbit and Petcoke (November 2014)
It's what comes up, not what's there (August 2014)
Fracking realities (July 2014)
Ineos (Revised, November 2014)
Financing EPRs (Revised October 2013)*
UK Oil and Gas Peaks (Revised August 2015)
Fukushima aftermath
Most likely PWR LOCA? (28 September 2011) *
How safe is nuclear energy? (May 2011, revised 28 September 2011) *
The Fukushima incident (April 2011, revised 13 August 2011) *
Made with coal? (December 2010)
Has a global all-oils peak in production passed? (October 2010)
Sizewell B's charcoal fire (September 2010) *
EdF's financial meltdown (July 2010, Revised 6 June 2011) *
Aftermath of Buncefield explosion
Overfilling of oil product tanks (March 2010)
Fossil fuel reserves (March 2010)
A review of CCS and climate change
EN6 (December 2009) *
Evidence submitted to ECC Parliamentary Committee
CERN Seminar (December 2009) *
CERN Seminar Presentation (Accompanying the text) *
Managing spent fuel at Sizewell B (November 2009) *
Just drill deeper (September 2009)
Nuclear power (Revised March 2010) *
For Sanders Research Associates
Geriatric emaciation (July 2009) *
Geriatric constipation (May 2009) *
ITER iterations (Revised November 2017) *
Geriatric incontinence (February 2009) *
Geriatric Design Assessment (February 2009) *
La naissance ou l'avortement (December 2008) *
On theoretical, scientific or ideological grounds … (November 2008)
Red Face Book (September 2008) *
Oil and gas net exports (June 2008)
Saudi net crude oil exports (June 2008)
Cognitive dissonance in action (June 2008)
The battle for the flood plains (May 2008)
Encore entente cordiale? (March 2008) *A material world (February 2008) *
An even bigger hole (October 2007, Revised August 2010) *
Cursed unto the third and fourth generation? (September 2007) *
Response to the "The Future of Nuclear Power" (September 2007) *
A little makes a lot? (August 2007) *
falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus (June 2007)
Something nasty in the coalshed (May 2007)
Facing points (April 2007)
Flight-Path Britain (March 2007)
Analysis of Oil Majors (Translation March 2007)
The big hole (February 2007) *
Pure charity (December 2006) *
The Welsh dragon breathes its fire (October 2006)
ignotum per ignotius (October 2006)
Sakhalin (October 2006)
Rip van Winkel wakes (September 2006)*
Entente cordiale? (August 2006) *
For Touch Briefings
The extinguishing of the lights Hydrocarbon World 2007
For Tank Storage Magazine
Viability of 'catch' tanks Tank Storage Magazine March 2010